'Hong Seok Min'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2023.09.01 Profile


[ Profile ] 2023. 9. 1. 09:46









- Seokmin Hong was born in Busan, South Korea, at 1986. He received B. Eng. in Software Engineering (2012), M. Sc. in Computer Science (2014) from Dongseo University, Busan, South Korea, and PhD in Physics from the University of Valencia, Spain (2020), respectively. In 2012 Dongseo University honored him with B. Eng. Extraordinary Award.

During 2014 he worked with Institute of Ambient Intelligence Laboratory (IAI Lab), at Dongseo University. From 2020 to 2021 he worked with Doitplenoptic - The Light Field Company as a Computer Engineer. From May of 2021 to January of 2023, he worked with Gumi Electronics & Information Technology Research Institute (GERI) as a Senior Researcher. Currently, he has been working with Korea Institute of Medical Microrobotics (KIMIRo) as a Research Team Leader.

His research interests are digital image processing, optical sensing and computer vision, 3D data refinement, analysis, and computational reconstruction, 3D integral imaging, 3D display, computer graphics, Deep learning based image analysis and segmentation, and applied computer science.





E-mail: tommyhsm@gmail.com



[Research Interests]


3D Computational Reconstruction

- 3D Data Refinement and Registration

- 3D Image Sensing, Visualization, and Recognition

- Integral-Imaging and 3D Display system

- Digital Image Processing and Image Data Analysis

- GPU-accelerated parallel computing

- Deep learning based image analysis and segmentation





- 2014 ~ 2020 - Ph. D. in Physics, Department of Optics, Optometry, and Vision Sciences, University of Valencia [Burjassot / Spain]

- 2012 ~ 2014 - M. Sc. in Computer Science, Visual contents, Dongseo University [Busan / South Korea]

- 2005 ~ 2012 - B. Eng. in Software Engineering, Division of Digital contents, Dongseo University [Busan / South Korea]





- Korean: Native

English: Fluent

- Spanish: Intermediate


[Core Technical Skills]


Languages: C, C++, C#, Java, Matlab, Python, CUDA

- Computer Tools: Visual Studio & code, Processing, Matlab, Anaconda, Tensorflow



[Thesis - B. Eng. in Software Engineering]


- Graduation Portfolio: Hand gesture and tracking based action simulation game by using IR camera (2012)



[Thesis - M. Sc. in Computer Science]


- Advisor: Dr. Byung-Gook Lee

- Thesis Title: "Kinect based eye tracking system with 3D space calibration for Real-time 3D Integral Imaging display" (2014)



[Thesis - Ph.D. in Physics]


- Advisors: Dr. Manuel Martínez Corral and Dr. Genaro Saavedra Tortosa

- Thesis Title: "Fusion of computed point clouds and integral-imaging concepts for full-parallax 3D display" (2020)



[Journal papers]


S. Hong, D. Shin, J. Lee, B. Lee, "Viewing Angle-Improved 3D Integral Imaging Display with Eye Tracking Sensor", J. Inf. Comm. Eng. 12(4), 208-14 (2014)

S. Hong, D. Shin, B. Lee, A. Dorado, G. Saavedra, M. Martínez-Corral, "Towards 3D television through fusion of kinect and integral-imaging concepts", J. Disp. Technol., 11(11), 894-9 (2015)

A. Dorado, M. Martínez-Corral, G. Saavedra, and S. Hong, "Computation and display of 3D movie from a single integral photography", J. Disp. Technol. 12(7), 695-700 (2016)

S. Hong, A. Dorado, J. C. Barreiro, G. Saavedra and M. Martínez-Corral, "3D integral-imaging display from calibrated and depth-hole filtered Kinect information", J. Disp. Technol. 12(11), 1301-8 (2016)

- S. Hong, G. Saavedra and M. Martínez-Corral, "Full parallax three-dimensional display from Kinect v1 and v2", Opt. Eng. 56(4), 041305 (2016)

- S. Hong, A. Ansari, G. Saavedra and M. Martínez-Corral, “Full-parallax 3D display from stereo-hybrid 3D camera system”, Opt. Laser. Eng. 103, 46-54 (2017)

- A. Dorado, S. Hong, G. Saavedra, J. C. Barreiro, B. Javidi, and M. Martínez-Corral, "Toward 3D integral-imaging broadcast with increased viewing angle and parallax", Opt. Laser. Eng. 107, 83-90 (2018)

- A. Ansari, S. Hong, G. Saavedra, B. Javidi, and M. Martínez-Corral, “Ownership protection of plenoptic images by robust and reversible watermarking”, Opt. Laser. Eng., 107, 325-34 (2018) 

- N. Incardona, S. Hong, M. Martínez-Corral, and G. Saavedra, "New Method of Microimages Generation for 3D Display", Sensors 18, 2805 (2018)

- S. Hong, N. Incardona, K. Inoue, M. Cho, G. Saavedra, and M. Martínez-Corral, “GPU-accelerated integral imaging and full-parallax 3D display using stereo-plenoptic camera system”, Opt. Laser. Eng. 115, 172-8 (2019)



Papers in progress..





- H. Navarro, J. Sola-Pikabea, S. Hong, J. C. Barreiro, G. Saavedra, and M. Martínez-Corral, "Method and device for depth detection using stereo images", EU: WO2018077394A1 (Registered: 2018. 05. 03), US: US11017546B2 (Registered: 2021.05.25.))


- S. Hong, S. Woo, J. Park, and J. Koo, "Gaze tracking and visualization system and method" (Pending: 2022.12.09.)


- J. Park, S. Hong, B. Cho, and J. Kim, "ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE-BASED GAZE TRACKING METHOD AND SYSTEM" (Pending: 2024.10.15.)


Patents in progress..



[International Conferences]


- S. Hong, H. Yeo and B. Lee, “Real-Time Hand Gesture Recognition Interface Based on IR Camera”, Korea Multimedia Society (2012)
- S. Hong, Y. Tan, H. Yeo and B. Lee, “1-inch UniTouch System using Kinect”, International Conference on Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Coimbatore, India (2013)
- S. Hong, D. Shin, Y. Hwang and B. Lee, “3D integral imaging display using face tracking technique based on Kinect sensor”, Conf. on Optoelectronics and Optical Communications (2014)
- S. Hong, Y. Hwang, R. Kang, D. Shin and B. Lee, “Elemental image generation using high-resolution webcam and Kinect sensor”, The Optical Society of Korea Winter Meeting (2014)
- S. Hong, A. Dorado, G. Saavedra, M. Martínez-Corral, D. Shin, B. Lee, "Full-parallax 3D display from single-shot Kinect capture", SPIE, Baltimore, USA (2015)

- S. Hong, A. Dorado, G. Saavedra, J. Sola-Pikabea and M. Martínez-Corral, "Full-parallax 3D display from the hole-filtered depth information", 3DTV-CON 2015, Lisbon, Portugal (2015)
- M. Martínez-Corral, A. Dorado, S. Hong, J. Sola-Pikabea, and G. Saavedra, "Display of travelling 3D scenes from single integral-imaging capture", SPIE, Baltimore, USA (2016)
- S. Hong, G. Saavedra, and M. Martínez-Corral, "Full-Parallax immersive 3D display from Depth-Map cameras", WIO Barcelona, Spain (2016)
- S. Hong, A. Ansari, G. Saavedra, and M. Martínez-Corral, “Integral-Imaging display from stereo-Kinect capture”, SPIE, Anaheim, USA (2017)
- A. Dorado, S. Hong, G. Saavedra, M. Martínez-Corral, and B. Javidi, “Integral display for non-static observers”, SPIE, Anaheim, USA (2017)
- S. Hong, A. Ansari, G. Saavedra, and M. Martínez-Corral, “Full-parallax 3D display from stereoplenoptic camera system”, SPIE, Orlando, USA (2018)

- S. Hong, J. Park, and J. Koo, "Full-parallax 3D display from plenoptic camera", OPC2021 MP-VII.002, Jeju, South Korea (2021)

- S. Hong, H. Kang, J. Park, H. Bae, and S. Son, “A new technique in microimages generation and focal plane selection for full-parallax 3D display”, OPC2022 W1H-VII04, Jeju, South Korea (2022)

- S. Hong, H. Kang, H. Oh, and J. Park, “Fusion of point cloud and integral-maging concept for focal plane variable 3D display”, KCGS2022, Sokcho, South Korea (2022)

- S. Hong, H. Kang, H. Oh, and J. Park, “Fusion of point cloud and integral-imaging technique for full-arallax 3D display”, ACK2022, South Korea (2022)

- 김현서, 홍석민, 조병우, 강병전, “상부 위장관 내시경 영상 랜드마크 분류를 위한 딥러닝 모델 비교 분석”, IEIE2023, South Korea (2023)

- 박주희, 홍석민, 조병우, 강병전, “대장 용종 분할을 위한 딥러닝 모델 성능 비교”, IEIE2023, South Korea (2023)

- 김진규, 홍석민, 조병우, 박종오, 강병전, “CTA 영상 기반 hessian vessel filtering과 gamma correction을 통한 간동맥 정밀 분할”, ICROS2023, South Korea (2023)

- 홍석민, 조병우, 김진규, 강병전, “몰입형 입체 디스플레이를 위한 3차원 데이터와 집적영상 기술의 융합”, Photonics Conference 2023, South Korea (2023)




Papers in progress..



[Scholarship, Honors, Activities and Awards]


- Full tuition scholarship from Dongseo University, (Bachelor: 2005, 2009 - 2011), (Master: 2012 - 2014), University of Valencia (Ph.D.: 2015 - 2019)

- Valedictorian class of 2012 from Dongseo University (2012)

- Spanish language certification A2 level (2016), B1 level (2018) from official language school of Spain (Escuela Oficial de Idiomas: EOI)

- Military service discharged (Barracks leader, 635th) in 1st Fighter Wing, South Korea (2006 - 2008)

- Chief of an Acoustic Guitar Club in Dongseo University (2009)

- Bronze medal under 65kg of Amateur Bodybuilding Competition (2011)



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